Career Arts Bloomed at College New Rochelle Campus


From early childhood, Laudelina Martinez CNR SAS ’63 knew she wanted to have a career connected to the arts. While studying many forms of dance and drama in her native Puerto Rico her fascination blossomed. But by the time she reached her teens, stage fright led her to rethink her aspirations.

When she first set foot on The College of New Rochelle (CNR) campus as a student, she found a haven for her love of the arts. Martinez says she felt immersed in art at CNR; her senses stirred by its impressive architecture. Even in her free time, strolling in downtown New Rochelle, she found herself discovering a new passion: art collection.

“There was a shop that had a lot of African artifacts and ceramics from other artists in the area. I started collecting little sculptural pieces and that’s how I began my collection.” Her fascination for all forms of the fine arts grew amidst the bonds she was forming with her fellow students who were art majors as well as the talented faculty and Ursuline Sisters whose works were displayed throughout the campus. “I was interested in their process,” said Martinez. One of those classmates, Linda Montano CNR SAS ’65, made a significant impression on Martinez as she sat quietly observing her woodcuts to print process. Montano, now a globally recognized performance artist, gifted her with one of those prints, a token that is still a valued treasure.

To read more of this article in the Spring 2021 Maverick Magazine