Tesse Santoro

  • Associate ProfessorLibrary
  • Head Librarian, Dobbs Ferry Campus

Tesse teaches Library Instruction sessions for many of SLA's General Education courses, including Critical Inquiry, English 112 and 220 and Junior Seminar.  She is Coordinator of the Library鈥檚 Information Literacy program and its assessment. 

Tesse also provides reference and research assistance for students and faculty. Tesse works closely with the Faculty of the School Of Liberal Arts to improve the Library's collection of resources, especially those available electronically.  

Tesse began her career in academic libraries focusing on instruction at the School of Visual Arts, Stanford University and Brooklyn College CUNY.

She managed several corporate libraries where she became an expert in database research and competitive intelligence. Tesse also worked for Thomson specializing in training adult users of commercial databases and information products.

Tesse serves on Committees including CASL. ASPR, UCC and GEAC. 

Tesse joined Mercy in 2011.  


MLS Queens College, CUNY