Susan A Lapidus
- Associate Professor, Special Education

- School of Education
- Mt 347
Dr. Mariano-Lapidus has been recognized internationally as a Fulbright Scholar of inclusive education and has expertise in conducting international research and educational collaboration. She has been invited to participate in national and international conferences, research and publications pertaining to inclusion. Additionally, she has extensive experience consulting directly with schools, families and children and as an evaluator for the Department of Health in NYC.
Ph.D. Columbia University, Teachers College, New York, N.Y.
M.Ed. Columbia University, Teachers College, New York, N.Y.
M.A. Long Island University, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Mariano-Lapidus, S. (2024). Examining the Finnish model of student support to facilitate inclusion in MTSS. The Clearing House: A journal of educational strategies, issues and ideas (submitted for review).
- This research interrogates the equity and efficacy of the implementation of MTSS within schools in the United States and provides a contrast with the inclusive model used within the Finnish education model that has been attributed to their international success.
Using the Index for Inclusion to examine perceptions of cultural competence in BCBA coursework.
- This new research will build on my success using the Index for Inclusion to examine BCBAs' perspectives on incorporating elements of diversity into their coursework and their competencies in serving culturally diverse clients.
My teaching follows a Disabilities Studies/ Critical Race Theory (Dis/Crit) perspective to equity and inclusion. I emphasize the social implications of creating ‘Special Education’ and dis/ability by reviewing the history and culture of education, constructs supporting our current system and educational legislation while questioning the construct of ‘normalcy’.
Mariano Lapidus, S. (2024). Examining the Finnish Model of Student Supports to Facilitate Inclusion in MTSS. The Clearing House: A journal of educational strategies, issues and ideas. Submitted
Jordan, K., Mariano Lapidus, S. , Ramaswamy, S. (2021). Analyzing the Role of Implicit BiasFrom a DisCrit Perspective and the Practical Application of Recommendations for The Pyramid Model Framework. In T. Neuman, J. Felix and E. Shliakhovchuk (Eds) Policy and Practice Challenges in Education (accepted)
Braunsteiner, M.L. & Mariano-Lapidus, S. (2017). Using the Index for Inclusion to measure attitudes and perceptions of inclusion in teacher and school building leader candidates in the United States and Austria. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 10.1080/13603116.2017.1396503
Fulbright Specialist Award (2012)
- Responsible for conducting research and collaboration with faculty at the Pädagogische Hochschule ±·¾±±ð»å±ð°ùö²õ³Ù±ð°ù°ù±ð¾±³¦³ó (University of Education of Lower Austria, Baden, Austria) and local inclusive elementary schools. Led classes on inclusion and consulted with senior faculty of Pädagogische Hochschule ±·¾±±ð»å±ð°ùö²õ³Ù±ð°ù°ù±ð¾±³¦³ó in designing curriculum for their new Masters in Inclusive Education.